Implement real applications
Each course is a complete solution implementation in Rust.
You will truly learn to write real code.
Compilation guaranteed
We check every step of the course, so your final solution is guaranteed to compile.
You won’t be left alone with unresolved issues.
Every step is explained. Literally!
Every step you take - each line of code written, method called, and variable created - comes with a detailed explanation.
You will understand why each solution was chosen.
Idiomatic and authentic
The code written in the lessons is created by a professional Rust developer.
It’s idiomatic - clean and free from excessive match expressions and return statements.
Project mirroring
Step by step, the interactive book will build the same solution locally alongside you.
This ensures that you always have a working reference of what the final result should be.
AI agents development... soon!
We pay close attention to trends and emerging technologies in Rust.
That are just taking shape now but will become key use cases for the language in the future.
Install with cargo right now!
To start learning Rust right now, simply run the command:
> cargo install knowledge